martes, 11 de junio de 2013

A unique experience in Costa Rica! to be in a international soccer game Costa Rica vs Honduras

Our students had the experience to visit the National Stadium: from right to left: Armando Altamirano, Stephanie Newel, Ruben Baca, Alfredo Barrio, Jodie Easler, Javier Jaquez, Irasema Padilla and Luis Arreola!

Ruben Baca enjoying of the soccer game!

2 comentarios:

  1. What wonderfully rich and culturally authentic experiences for all members of the Let's Go Costa Rica Club! Your hard work and dedication to this project has definitely paid off! Felizidades!

    -Norma Arrieta
    Las Cruces, NM

  2. Thank you so much for your words Norma Arrieta!
